Home Qualitative Research LTEC 6512 Week 1: What is Qualitative Research?

LTEC 6512 Week 1: What is Qualitative Research?

by Michelle Starcher

Last semester, I took an introductory research class as a part of my Ph.D requirements.  During this course, I learned about a wide variety of research methods, both qualitative and quantitative.  Prior to this course, I took research courses as a part of my undergraduate degree. However, I discovered a plethora of research methods that I never knew existed.  This semester, I am enrolled in a qualitative research course.  I am looking forward to diving deeper into the methods and design of qualitative research.  

Qualitative research deals more with observations than with the numerical data and is used to gain a better understanding of what is happening within a situation.  Qualitative research can provide insight into the reasons and motivations of problems people may face.  It can also establish trends in various areas such as education, business, and healthcare through interviews, focus groups, and observations.  

As an educator, I have used qualitative research to gather information about my students and staff.  My primary methods of research have been surveys and observations.  Although I have never published my research, I have used the information gathered to make decisions about the needs of students and teachers that I serve.  The information provided has allowed me to tailor coaching services and professional development opportunities to a specific campus.  I see the importance of qualitative research in better understanding the world around us, and I look forward to learning more this semester.  

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