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Michelle Starcher

    I started working on my Ph.D. because I wanted to make a difference in education.  I have long felt that the education system in America needs a major overhaul.  So much of what we do doesn’t actual benefit our students or the community as a whole.  I hear repeatedly that students aren’t prepared for college or the work force.  Yet we continue to focus on standardized test results and an outdated education model.   As is, the system doesn’t meet the needs of students or the community.  Although there is no quick fix for the problems facing the education system in the United States, I feel confident that I can make a difference through research and public speaking. I am confident my commitment to changing the education system to better meet the needs of today’s students will carry me through the difficult dissertation process.

    I started working on refining my dissertation topic in the spring semester of 2020.  During that time, I created a qualitative research framework that outlined the study I am proposing for my dissertation.  Since then, I have been reading and collecting information related to the educational systems of high-performing countries and education reform in the United States.  I have written one argument for why we need change in education.  I feel confident in my dissertation topic and proposed methods, yet I am concerned that my study may be too broad for a dissertation.  There are so many components within and related to the system of education, it may be impossible to focus on all of them.  When redesigning a system, I don’t think you can isolate part of the whole.  If my proposed research study is determined to be much for a dissertation, I have identified several specific areas of interest related to changing the education system in American including teacher recruitment and retention, the role of technology in education reform, designing a framework for systemic change, and the development of educational systems that support personalized learning.  For now, I continue reading to better understand the complex education systems of the United States and other countries as well as the research methods related to my proposed study.

    Although I am very comfortable with my research topic, I am struggling with my confidence as a researcher.  I have always considered myself to be a strong researcher and writer, but this past semester has caused me to question my abilities.  For several of the assignments this past semester, I was able to locate information regarding the topic, but after reflection, I realized that I was really only scratching the surface of information available.  As a researcher, I need to explore topics in more depth to understand needed research and how I can impact the field.  As I prepare for my role as a researcher, I realize that I need to develop different research skills that allow me to better locate relevant information.

    In addition to my research skills, I realize that I need more practice thinking like a researcher.  As I prepare for my dissertation and begin to develop my professional portfolio, I realize that my experience is so limited.  Although I have taken courses related to qualitative and quantitative research methods, I still have so much to learn.  If I am completely honest, I feel like there are so many different types of research available, and I’ve only scratched the surface in my coursework.   Without a better understanding, it is a challenge to know where to start when designing a research study and selecting research methods most appropriate for a given topic.  I’ve been trying to read more about conducting research while focusing on methods and research design when reading journal articles.

    I know that my research skills will improve with practice and time.  This semester I have at least two classes that will allow me to practice my skills as a researcher, which will hopefully boost my confidence as well as my abilities.


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