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March 2021

    Literature Review

    Unfortunately, I am not as far along on my literature review as I would like to be.  I have read a lot of books and articles related to my dissertation topic, but I have not started writing my literature review yet.  I have been struggling to get caught up after some set-backs discussed in previous blog posts.  However, I have scheduled time this week to focus on my literature review, and I am confident that I will have it finished in the next week. 


    When I started this semester, I thought I would be finishing my course work this summer.  However, scheduling conflicts made it impossible for me to finish this summer, and I will be continuing coursework in the fall.  Thankfully, this change has provided more time to prepare my portfolio.  Last week, I submitted two more publications for the SITE Conference Proceedings, which will help boost the Scholarly Writing section of my portfolio.  This has been the area where I have struggled the most, but I feel better now that I have three publications.  I will use class assignments to fill the remaining requirements for Scholarly Writing.  In addition, I had a presentation accepted for the Digital Learning Annual Conference this summer.  I am hoping to have another presentation and/or paper accepted at EdMedia or the SITE Interactive conference before defending my portfolio in the fall.  My goal is to defend my portfolio early in the Fall 2021 semester. 


    At this point, I am feeling confident about my methods section.  I have turned in my rough draft, and I am awaiting feedback from my professor to revise this section for my next draft.  I have been reading information related to focus groups, case studies, and interview to support my research efforts and prepare me for the work I will be doing with my dissertation.  I will continue to refine my approach and research methodology based on feedback and new learning. 

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