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Learning Theory

    According to Oxford Languages, social science is the study of human society and social relationships (n.d.).  In my opinion, it is important to continue studying the social sciences.  Social sciences provide valuable observations about the world that help us to better understand ethical, legal, and social issues that impact our lives.  This understanding provides insight that helps us to make informed choices and better understand the consequences of our choices. 

    In addition to daily living, social sciences provide valuable information about how people learn.  Social scientists look for more effective ways to improve education and student learning.  Learning is a continuous, transformative process that changes who we are, what we know, and what we do.  Social sciences help us to better understand how to build meaningful learning experiences that meet the needs to students regardless of cognitive differences.

    One of the things I’ve learned about analyzing education and learning systems is that we must understand how the various “components fit together, interact, and depend on one another for the system to achieve its overall function” (Warren, Sauser, and Nowicki, 2019, p.3).  As an educator, it isn’t enough for me to understand just my role and function within the education system, I need to understand the various theories related to teaching and learning. I have to expand past my classroom, campus, department, district, etc. to fully understand the inner-workings of the the brain, the cognitive differences of learners, and the current education system.  This can be a messy, complex process, yet it is necessary if we are going to understand the constraints within the system and determine best practices for effective instructional design and assessment.

    I started working on my Ph.D. because I wanted to make a difference in education.  I have long felt that the education system in America needs a major overhaul.  So much of what we do doesn’t actual benefit our students or the community as a whole.  I hear repeatedly that students aren’t prepared for college or the work force.  Yet we continue to focus on standardized test results and an outdated education model.   As is, the system doesn’t meet the needs of students or the community.  Although there is no quick fix for the problems facing the education system in the United States, social sciences can help us better understand how to design an education system that fits the needs of learners and society.


    Oxford Languages. (n.d.).  Social science.  Oxford Languages.  Retrieved November 9, 2020 from https://www.google.com/search?q=definition+of+social+science&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS915US915&oq=de&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0i20i263i433j35i39l2j69i61j69i60l3.6063j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&surl=1

    Warren, S. J., Sauser, B., & Nowicki, D. (2019). The historic impact of soft systems methodology on academic research and theory. Systems7(10), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems7010010

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